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HomeGeneral GuidesHow To Write A Telephone Message? South Africa

How To Write A Telephone Message? South Africa

Quick Summary

Writing a telephone message accurately and effectively is essential for smooth communication in any workplace. To ensure your messages are clear and useful, include key details like the caller’s name, contact information, message content, and urgency. Use simple language, keep messages concise, and follow a consistent format. Whether you’re using a telephone message book or digital tools, maintaining organized and precise records will help prevent misunderstandings and improve overall efficiency. This guide covers everything you need to know about writing telephone messages, including best practices, common mistakes to avoid, and tips for using message books effectively.


Writing a telephone message may seem like a straightforward task, but it’s an essential skill for effective communication, especially in professional settings. When you’re unable to answer a phone call, it’s crucial to accurately record and relay messages to ensure that no important information is overlooked.

In this blog post, we will delve into the key components of a telephone message, provide practical tips for writing an effective message, and discuss the use of telephone message books. Additionally, we will offer a template for creating a general telephone message. By following these guidelines, you can enhance your message-taking skills and contribute to smoother communication within your workplace.

Understanding the Purpose of a Telephone Message

Telephone messages play a pivotal role in maintaining effective communication within office environments. They serve as a bridge between individuals who cannot connect directly due to various reasons, such as being in meetings, away from their desks, or on other calls. Let’s explore why telephone messages are crucial and how they contribute to efficient workplace communication.

The Role of Telephone Messages in Office Settings

In any office, there are numerous scenarios where someone might be unavailable to take a call. This could include:

  • Busy Executives: Executives often have packed schedules and may not be able to answer every call.
  • Employees in Meetings: Team meetings and client discussions can prevent employees from answering the phone.
  • Staff on Breaks: Employees on lunch or coffee breaks may not be available to pick up the phone.

In such cases, a well-written telephone message ensures that the caller’s needs are addressed even when the intended recipient is not immediately available.

Benefits of Properly Documenting Telephone Messages

Accurately documenting telephone messages is vital for several reasons:

  • Avoiding Miscommunication and Confusion: A detailed message helps prevent misunderstandings. For instance, if a caller requests a meeting but doesn’t leave a specific time, the message should include all known details to avoid confusion later.
  • Providing a Reference for Follow-Ups and Documentation: Telephone messages can serve as a record for future reference. This is especially useful for tracking ongoing issues or confirming instructions.

Here’s a quick example to illustrate the importance:

Imagine you receive a call from a client who wants to discuss a project update. If you fail to note down key details like the preferred time for the meeting and specific topics they want to cover, it could lead to a missed opportunity or a delay in project progress. By recording all relevant information, you ensure that the recipient can follow up appropriately and that nothing is overlooked.

Key Components of a Telephone Message

When crafting a telephone message, including the right details ensures that the recipient gets all the necessary information to act promptly and accurately. Let’s break down the essential elements to include in every telephone message.

Caller’s Name

Importance: The caller’s name helps the recipient identify who has reached out. Knowing the caller’s identity can also provide context for the message and establish a connection.

Example: “John Smith” or “Ms. Emily Johnson”

Contact Information

Importance: Including the caller’s contact information, such as their phone number or email address, allows the recipient to follow up easily. This is especially crucial if the message requires a response or further action.


Message Content

Importance: The core of any telephone message is the content. Summarize the main points of the conversation or request made by the caller. Be concise but include all relevant details to avoid miscommunication.

Example: “John called to inquire about the status of the marketing report. He would like an update by the end of the day. Please call him back at (555) 123-4567.”


Importance: Indicating the level of urgency helps prioritize messages. If a message is time-sensitive, the recipient will know to address it sooner rather than later.


  • Urgent: “John’s request is urgent. Please get back to him within the hour.”
  • Non-Urgent: “John’s inquiry can be addressed within the next couple of days.”

Tips for Writing an Effective Telephone Message

Crafting an effective telephone message involves more than just recording information. It requires clarity, precision, and proper etiquette. Here are some practical tips to enhance your telephone message-writing skills:

Start with a Greeting

Importance: A polite greeting sets a professional tone and helps the recipient feel valued. It also provides context for the message.

Example: “Good morning, Mr. Davis,” or “Hello, Ms. Lee,”

State Your Name and Position

Importance: Introducing yourself helps the recipient understand who is delivering the message and their role within the organization.

Example: “This is Jane Doe from the marketing department.”

Capture Important Details

Importance: Ensure all necessary details are included to avoid confusion or the need for follow-up.


  • Caller’s Name
  • Contact Information
  • Main Message Content
  • Urgency Level

Example: “Jane from the HR department called regarding the annual review schedule. She needs an update by tomorrow. Her number is (555) 987-6543.”

Use Clear and Concise Language

Importance: Clear language prevents misunderstandings and ensures the message is easy to understand.

Tip: Avoid jargon or complex phrases. Stick to straightforward, simple language.

Example: Instead of saying “The caller requested a status update on the aforementioned issue,” say “The caller wants an update on the project status.”

Be Specific and Detailed

Importance: Providing specific details helps the recipient understand exactly what needs to be addressed.

Example: “The client is asking for a revised proposal with a budget breakdown by Friday. They also want to discuss potential changes in the scope of work.”

Note the Urgency

Importance: Clearly indicate if a message requires immediate attention.


  • Urgent: “The caller needs a response by 3 PM today.”
  • Non-Urgent: “This can be handled by the end of the week.”

Use Proper Grammar and Punctuation

Importance: Proper grammar and punctuation ensure the message is professional and easy to read.

Tip: Always proofread your message before sending it to correct any errors.

Example: “Please contact John at (555) 123-4567. He is expecting a call by 2 PM.”

Using Telephone Message Books

Telephone message books are valuable tools for recording and organizing messages in a professional setting. They offer a structured way to document important details from phone calls, ensuring that no information is lost or overlooked. Here’s why and how to effectively use telephone message books.

Benefits of Using Telephone Message Books

  1. Efficient Message RecordingImportance: Telephone message books provide a systematic format for capturing call details, which helps ensure that all necessary information is recorded accurately.Example: A message book typically includes sections for the caller’s name, contact information, message content, and urgency. This structure helps streamline the process of recording and retrieving messages.
  2. Organization and DocumentationImportance: Keeping all messages in one place enhances organization and provides a historical record of communications. This can be useful for follow-ups or resolving disputes.Example: If you need to refer back to a message from last month regarding a project update, having a dedicated message book makes it easier to locate and review the details.
  3. Variety of FormatsImportance: Message books come in various sizes and formats to fit different needs. Choosing the right format can improve efficiency and usability.Types of Telephone Message Books:
    • Size: Options range from pocket-sized to larger formats. Choose based on your workspace and frequency of use.
    • Number of Messages per Page: Some books have space for multiple messages per page, while others offer a single message per page for more detailed notes.
    • Binding Options: Common choices include spiral binding for ease of use or perforated pages for easy removal.
    Example: A pocket-sized message book might be ideal for a receptionist who needs to take notes quickly, while a larger format with multiple messages per page might be better for a busy office with high call volumes.

Tips for Using Telephone Message Books Effectively

  1. Keep It Neat and OrganizedImportance: Neatness ensures that information is easily readable and retrievable. Avoid scribbling or writing hastily.Tip: Use legible handwriting and consistent formatting. Consider using a pen with black or blue ink for clarity.
  2. Record Information PromptlyImportance: Timely recording prevents details from being forgotten or misremembered.Tip: Write down the message as soon as possible after receiving the call to ensure accuracy.
  3. Review Entries RegularlyImportance: Regularly reviewing the message book helps ensure that all messages are addressed and nothing is overlooked.Tip: Schedule a daily or weekly review to go over the messages and follow up as needed.

Template for a General Telephone Message

Having a consistent template for telephone messages ensures that all relevant information is captured systematically. Here’s a simple and effective template you can use:

General Telephone Message Template

Date:[Enter the date the message was received]
Time:[Enter the time the message was received]
Caller’s Name:[Enter the name of the person who called]
Caller’s Contact Information:[Enter the caller’s phone number or email address]
Message:[Enter the content of the message]
Urgency:[Enter the level of urgency (e.g., low, medium, high)]

How to Use the Template

  1. Start by Entering the Date and Time
    • Why: This helps track when the message was received and ensures timely follow-up.
    • Example: “Date: August 21, 2024, Time: 10:15 AM”
  2. Fill in the Caller’s Name
    • Why: Identifies who made the call.
    • Example: “Caller’s Name: Mark Thompson”
  3. Include Contact Information
    • Why: Allows the recipient to reach out if needed.
    • Example: “Caller’s Contact Information: (555) 678-9012”
  4. Record the Message Content
    • Why: Provides the main points of the call.
    • Example: “Message: Mark is requesting an update on the project status and needs a revised timeline by tomorrow.”
  5. Note the Urgency
    • Why: Helps prioritize the message.
    • Example: “Urgency: High”

By using a telephone message book and a consistent template, you can improve the accuracy and efficiency of message recording and handling.


Writing effective telephone messages is crucial for maintaining clear and efficient communication within any organization. Whether you’re jotting down notes for a busy executive, documenting client requests, or simply passing on important information, following best practices ensures that messages are accurate, complete, and actionable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Clear and Concise Information: Ensure that every message includes the caller’s name, contact details, message content, and urgency. This makes it easier for the recipient to understand and act on the message.
  • Timely Recording: Write down messages promptly to prevent details from being forgotten or misinterpreted.
  • Organized Documentation: Use telephone message books to keep messages in a systematic and accessible format. Choose a format that best fits your needs, whether that’s a compact size for quick notes or a larger format for detailed entries.
  • Effective Communication: Apply tips for writing clear messages, such as using simple language, being specific, and proofreading for errors. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring that important information is conveyed accurately.

By implementing these practices, you can enhance your communication skills and contribute to a more organized and efficient work environment. Remember, the goal is to ensure that every message serves its purpose and facilitates effective follow-up.


For further reading and resources on effective telephone message taking and communication:

  1. UVic’s Guide on Writing Telephone Messages
  2. RBE’s Telephone Message Books
  3. Twinkl’s General Telephone Message Template

These references provide additional insights and tools to help you improve your telephone message-taking skills and enhance overall communication in your workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a telephone message?

A telephone message serves as a record of information when the intended recipient is unavailable to take the call. Its purpose is to ensure that important details are communicated accurately and that the recipient can follow up on the message in a timely manner. It helps prevent missed opportunities and keeps communication flowing smoothly within an organization.

How should I format a telephone message?

A well-formatted telephone message should include:

  • Date: When the message was received.
  • Time: The time of the call.
  • Caller’s Name: The name of the person who called.
  • Caller’s Contact Information: Phone number or email address.
  • Message Content: A summary of what the caller said.
  • Urgency: Indicate if the message is urgent or not.

Using a consistent format helps ensure that all necessary information is recorded and easily accessible.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing telephone messages?

Common mistakes include:

  • Incomplete Information: Failing to include key details like the caller’s contact information or message content.
  • Unclear Language: Using vague or ambiguous language that might confuse the recipient.
  • Neglecting Urgency: Not indicating the level of urgency can lead to delays in addressing important issues.
  • Poor Handwriting: Illegible writing can result in miscommunication.

Avoiding these pitfalls helps ensure that messages are clear, accurate, and actionable.

How can I improve my telephone message-taking skills?

To enhance your telephone message-taking skills:

  • Practice Active Listening: Pay close attention to what the caller is saying to capture accurate details.
  • Use a Template: Utilize a standardized template to ensure all relevant information is recorded.
  • Review Regularly: Go over your messages to ensure nothing is missed and follow up as necessary.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask colleagues or supervisors for feedback on your message-taking to identify areas for improvement.

Are there digital tools available for recording telephone messages?

Yes, several digital tools can assist with recording and managing telephone messages. These include:

  • Voice Mail Systems: Allow you to record and retrieve messages digitally.
  • CRM Software: Many customer relationship management (CRM) systems offer message recording features.
  • Call Recording Apps: Apps designed for smartphones can record and transcribe calls for easy reference.

These tools can help streamline message management and ensure that important details are not lost.

How do telephone message books compare to digital tools?

Telephone message books offer a tangible, straightforward method for recording messages, which can be useful in environments where digital tools are not available or practical. They provide a simple way to keep records and can be reviewed quickly. Digital tools, on the other hand, offer features such as automated transcription, searchable archives, and integration with other systems, which can enhance efficiency and organization. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Can telephone messages be legally binding?

Telephone messages themselves are not typically considered legally binding documents. However, they can serve as evidence of communication or agreements in legal contexts. For legal matters, it is important to ensure that messages are recorded accurately and stored properly, and to follow up with formal written documentation if necessary.

How do I handle a message with incomplete information?

If you receive a message with incomplete information:

  • Follow Up: Contact the caller to obtain the missing details.
  • Document What You Have: Record the information you do have and note that it’s incomplete.
  • Inform the Recipient: Let the intended recipient know that some details are missing and provide any available information.

Handling incomplete messages promptly helps ensure that important details are not overlooked and that communication remains effective.

Author’s Note

Writing effective telephone messages is a skill that enhances communication and organization in any professional setting. As someone who has spent years working in various office environments, I’ve seen firsthand how crucial it is to capture and convey messages accurately. Whether it’s a missed call from a client or an urgent request from a manager, the ability to write clear and concise messages can make a significant difference in how efficiently tasks are managed and how smoothly operations run.

In my experience, the simple act of recording a telephone message correctly can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that critical information reaches the right people in a timely manner. It’s often the small details that make a big impact, from noting down the urgency of a message to ensuring that all contact information is accurate.

I hope this guide provides you with valuable insights and practical tips for mastering the art of telephone message-taking. If you have any questions or need further clarification on any points, please feel free to reach out. Your feedback is always appreciated, and I’m here to help ensure you have all the tools you need for effective communication.

Happy message-taking!

About Author

Full-Time Writer, Researcher, Tech, Business & Financial Analyst

As an avid writer at Nuelfrey Solutions LTD, Christine is driven by a deep passion for helping others through her work. Her journey into the world of writing began over eight years ago, marked by trials and triumphs. Despite early challenges and frustrations, Christine discovered her calling in blogging.

Her love for blogging stems from its ability to delve deeply into diverse fields, allowing her to continuously learn and grow. Christine finds fulfillment in seeing her efforts evolve from small beginnings into impactful and transformative content. Her dedication to personal growth and making a difference fuels her commitment to producing insightful and valuable information for her readers.

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