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HomeTelecom ServicesHow to Transfer Data from MTN to Vodacom In South Africa?

How to Transfer Data from MTN to Vodacom In South Africa?

Quick Summary

If you’re looking to transfer data between MTN, Telkom, or Cell C and Vodacom, direct transfers are not supported between these networks. However, you can still assist Vodacom users by purchasing physical airtime vouchers, using data gifting features if available, or encouraging network porting for better data sharing options. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for transferring data within each network and explores alternative methods to support your loved ones on Vodacom.


In today’s digital world, data isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. From browsing the web and streaming your favorite shows to staying connected with friends and family, having enough data is crucial. But what happens when you find yourself in a situation where you have extra data on one network and need to share it with someone using a different network? Specifically, if you’re an MTN user looking to transfer data to a Vodacom number, you might find yourself wondering how to make it happen.

Transferring data between networks, such as from MTN to Vodacom, isn’t always straightforward. Each network has its own protocols and limitations, which can make the process seem complicated. However, understanding these steps and knowing your options can help you manage your data more effectively.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of transferring data from MTN to Vodacom, as well as from other networks like Telkom and Cell C. We’ll also explore alternative options for helping friends and family on Vodacom if direct transfer isn’t feasible. So, if you’re ready to learn how to share your surplus data seamlessly, let’s dive in!

Understanding Data Transfer Between Networks

What is Data Transfer Between Networks?

Data transfer between networks refers to the process of moving mobile data from one network provider to another. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as sharing your unused data with friends or family who use a different network.

However, data transfer isn’t always as simple as sending a text message or making a call. Each network provider has its own system for handling data transfers, which can create limitations. For example, direct data transfer between MTN and Vodacom might not be supported in the same way as it is within a single network.

Why Can’t Data Be Transferred Directly Between Different Network Providers?

The primary reason for the difficulty in transferring data between different network providers is due to the way each network manages its data resources. Each network operates its own system for handling data bundles, and these systems are not always compatible with one another.

Here are some key reasons why direct data transfer between networks can be challenging:

  • Network Protocols: Each network uses its own protocols for managing data transfers. These protocols are designed to work within the network but may not be compatible with other networks.
  • Billing and Account Management: Data bundles and usage are often tied to specific account types and billing systems. Transferring data across different systems can complicate billing and account management.
  • Security Measures: Data transfer systems are designed with security measures to prevent unauthorized access or misuse. These measures can make it difficult to transfer data between networks without proper authorization.

Overview of Limitations and Possibilities

While direct data transfer between MTN and Vodacom might be restricted, there are still ways to manage your data effectively. Here’s a brief overview of what you can do:

  • Transfer Within Network: You can easily transfer data between users on the same network. For example, MTN users can transfer data to other MTN users.
  • Use Alternative Methods: If direct transfer isn’t possible, consider alternative methods such as buying physical airtime or encouraging porting to a network that supports easier data sharing.

Understanding these limitations and possibilities will help you navigate the process more effectively. In the next sections, we’ll delve into the specific steps required to transfer data from MTN, Telkom, and Cell C to Vodacom, as well as explore alternative options for data sharing.

How to Transfer Data from MTN to Vodacom

Transferring data from MTN to Vodacom is not directly supported due to network limitations. However, understanding the process for transferring data within MTN and utilizing alternative methods can help you manage your data effectively. Below, we’ll outline the steps you need to follow to transfer data within MTN, and then explore other options for assisting someone on Vodacom.

Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Data Within MTN

While direct data transfer from MTN to Vodacom isn’t possible, you can transfer data within MTN itself. Here’s how to do it:

Activating Data Transfer Privilege on MTN

  1. Dial the Activation Code:
    • To activate data transfer privileges on your MTN SIM card, dial *136*5# on your phone.
    • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the activation.
  2. Manage Data Bundles and Receive PIN:
    • After activation, select the “Manage Data Bundles” option.
    • You will receive a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) which is required for future data transfer transactions.

Initiating the Data Transfer Process

  1. Dial the Transfer Code:
    • Dial *131*7# on your phone keypad.
    • Choose the option to “Transfer from Data Balance.”
  2. Enter Recipient’s Phone Number and Amount of Data:
    • Enter the recipient’s phone number carefully, without spaces or dashes.
    • Specify the amount of data you wish to transfer in MBs or GBs (e.g., type 1024 for 1 GB).
  3. Confirm the Transaction:
    • Confirm the transfer by entering the PIN you received earlier.
    • Follow any additional prompts to complete the transaction.

Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Ensure Both Parties Are Using Prepaid Accounts: Data transfer is typically available only for prepaid accounts. Postpaid accounts may not support this service.
  • Check Balance and Data Bundles: Ensure that you have sufficient balance or data bundles before initiating the transfer.
  • Verify Transfer Completion: Confirm that the data transfer has been successful by checking the recipient’s data balance.

Exploring Alternative Options for Transferring Data to Vodacom

Since you cannot transfer data directly from MTN to Vodacom, consider these alternative methods to help someone using Vodacom:

Buying Physical Airtime

  1. Purchase Airtime Vouchers:
    • Buy physical airtime vouchers or scratch cards that can be used for both voice calls and data.
    • These vouchers are available at various retail stores and online platforms.
  2. Send Voucher Details:
    • Share the voucher PIN with the recipient. They can then load the airtime onto their Vodacom account to use for data.

Encouraging Porting from Vodacom to MTN

  1. Benefits of Porting:
    • Porting to MTN may provide better data sharing options if you frequently need to share data.
    • MTN allows easier data transfer within its network, making it a convenient choice for users who need to share data.
  2. Porting Process:
    • To port a number from Vodacom to MTN, visit an MTN store or use the MTN online porting service.
    • Follow the instructions provided by MTN for a smooth porting process.

Summary of Data Transfer Methods

Here’s a quick summary of the options available for transferring data:

  • Within MTN: Follow the steps to transfer data within the MTN network.
  • Physical Airtime: Purchase and send physical airtime vouchers.
  • Porting: Encourage the recipient to port to MTN for easier data sharing.

How to Transfer Data from Telkom to Vodacom

Transferring data directly from Telkom to Vodacom is not possible due to network limitations and compatibility issues. However, you can still manage your data effectively by transferring data within Telkom or utilizing alternative methods to help someone on Vodacom. Below is a detailed guide on how to transfer data within Telkom and alternative options for assisting a Vodacom user.

Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Data Within Telkom

While direct data transfer from Telkom to Vodacom is not supported, you can easily transfer data within Telkom. Here’s how you can do it:

Activating Data Transfer on Telkom

  1. Dial the Data Transfer Code:
    • On your Telkom SIM card, dial *180# to access the main menu.
    • Follow the prompts to navigate to data transfer options.
  2. Select the Data Transfer Option:
    • Choose “Option 2: Buy” from the menu if prompted.
    • If you’re familiar with the menu, you can skip directly to the data transfer section.
  3. Navigate to Data Transfer:
    • Within the “Buy” section or directly from the menu, select the “Data Transfer” option.

Initiating the Data Transfer

  1. Enter Recipient’s Phone Number and Amount of Data:
    • Input the recipient’s Vodacom phone number. Make sure the number is correct to ensure successful transfer.
    • Specify the amount of data you want to send. Data should be chosen from the available bundles in your account balance.
  2. Confirm the Transfer:
    • Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm the data transfer.
    • Verify that the recipient has received the data and check your own data balance.

Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Ensure Accurate Details: Double-check the recipient’s phone number to avoid mistakes.
  • Verify Balance: Confirm that you have enough data in your Telkom account to complete the transfer.
  • Check Confirmation: Ensure the recipient has received the data and follow up if necessary.

Exploring Alternative Options for Assisting Vodacom Users

Since direct data transfer from Telkom to Vodacom isn’t feasible, here are alternative ways to help someone on Vodacom:

Buying Physical Airtime Vouchers

  1. Purchase Airtime Vouchers:
    • Buy physical airtime vouchers from retailers or online stores. These vouchers can be used for both calls and data.
    • Choose a voucher with a value suitable for the recipient’s needs.
  2. Send Voucher Details:
    • Share the voucher PIN with the Vodacom user. They can then redeem the voucher on their account for data.

Encouraging Porting from Vodacom to Telkom

  1. Consider Porting Benefits:
    • Porting to Telkom might offer better data-sharing options if you frequently need to transfer data.
    • Telkom’s data transfer options are more accessible within its network.
  2. Porting Process:
    • To port a number from Vodacom to Telkom, visit a Telkom store or use the Telkom online porting service.
    • Follow the instructions provided by Telkom to complete the porting process.

Summary of Data Transfer Methods

Here’s a quick summary of options for transferring data or helping Vodacom users:

  • Within Telkom: Follow the steps to transfer data within the Telkom network.
  • Physical Airtime: Purchase and send physical airtime vouchers.
  • Porting: Encourage the recipient to port to Telkom for easier data sharing.

How to Transfer Data from Cell C to Vodacom

Directly transferring data from Cell C to Vodacom is not possible due to network restrictions. However, you can still transfer data within Cell C and explore alternative ways to help someone on Vodacom. Below is a detailed guide on how to manage data within Cell C and some creative solutions for assisting a Vodacom user.

Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Data Within Cell C

You can transfer data within Cell C easily by following these steps:

Activating Data Transfer on Cell C

  1. Dial the Data Transfer Code:
    • On your Cell C SIM card, dial *147# to access the menu.
    • You will see a list of options related to various services.
  2. Select the Data Services Option:
    • From the list, select “Option 5: Data Services” to proceed to the next menu.
  3. Choose Data Transfer:
    • Within the Data Services menu, select “Option 2: Data Transfer.”

Initiating the Data Transfer

  1. Enter Recipient’s Phone Number and Data Amount:
    • Input the recipient’s phone number who should receive the data. Ensure the number is correct to avoid errors.
    • Specify the amount of data you wish to transfer. The amount should be selected based on your available balance and in accordance with the options provided by Cell C.
  2. Confirm the Transfer:
    • Follow the prompts to confirm the data transfer.
    • Enter your Cell C PIN if required to complete the transaction.

Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Check Accuracy: Double-check the recipient’s phone number to ensure the data is sent to the correct person.
  • Verify Data Balance: Make sure you have enough data in your Cell C account to complete the transfer.
  • Confirmation: Confirm that the recipient has received the data and that it has been successfully added to their account.

Exploring Alternative Options for Assisting Vodacom Users

Since direct data transfer from Cell C to Vodacom isn’t feasible, consider these alternatives to assist a Vodacom user:

Buying Physical Airtime Vouchers

  1. Purchase Airtime Vouchers:
    • Obtain physical airtime vouchers or scratch cards that can be used for data and calls.
    • These vouchers are available at various retail locations or online platforms.
  2. Share Voucher Details:
    • Send the voucher PIN to the Vodacom user. They can redeem it on their account to receive data.

Encouraging Porting from Vodacom to Cell C

  1. Benefits of Porting:
    • Porting to Cell C can provide easier data-sharing capabilities if you often need to transfer data.
    • Cell C’s data transfer services may be more convenient for users who need to share data frequently.
  2. Porting Process:
    • To port a number from Vodacom to Cell C, visit a Cell C store or use the Cell C online porting service.
    • Follow the instructions provided by Cell C to complete the porting process.

Summary of Data Transfer Methods

Here’s a summary of options available for transferring data or assisting Vodacom users:

  • Within Cell C: Follow the steps to transfer data within the Cell C network.
  • Physical Airtime: Purchase and send physical airtime vouchers.
  • Porting: Encourage the recipient to port to Cell C for easier data management and sharing.

Alternative Options for Helping Friends and Family on Vodacom

While you can’t directly transfer data from MTN, Telkom, Cell C, or other networks to Vodacom due to network restrictions, there are several alternative ways to help your friends and family on Vodacom. Here’s a comprehensive guide to assist them in staying connected:

1. Buying Physical Airtime Vouchers

A straightforward method to assist Vodacom users is by purchasing physical airtime vouchers. These vouchers can be used to top up their accounts with data or airtime.

How to Purchase and Use Airtime Vouchers

  1. Purchase Vouchers:
    • Where to Buy: Physical airtime vouchers can be bought at retail stores, supermarkets, or online. Look for stores like Shoprite, Pick n Pay, or online platforms that offer Vodacom vouchers.
    • Types of Vouchers: Choose vouchers with the value you wish to gift. They typically range from small amounts like R10 to larger amounts like R500.
  2. Share Voucher Details:
    • Provide the PIN: Once you’ve purchased the voucher, share the voucher PIN with the Vodacom user.
    • Redemption: The recipient can redeem the voucher by dialing *120*PIN# on their Vodacom phone or using the Vodacom app.


  • Immediate Assistance: Helps the recipient quickly top up their data or airtime.
  • Flexibility: Allows the recipient to use the credit according to their needs.

2. Sending Data Bundles via Gift or Sharing Options

Vodacom occasionally offers options to gift data bundles to other Vodacom users. While direct data transfers from other networks aren’t possible, these options can still be helpful.

How to Gift Data Bundles on Vodacom

  1. Vodacom’s Gift Data Feature:
    • Access Gift Feature: Log in to the Vodacom app or website to check if they offer a feature for gifting data bundles.
    • Select Bundle: Choose the data bundle you wish to gift from the available options.
  2. Enter Recipient Details:
    • Recipient’s Number: Input the Vodacom number of the person you wish to help.
    • Confirm Gift: Follow the prompts to complete the data gift transaction.


  • Easy and Direct: Directly provides the recipient with a data bundle.
  • User-Friendly: Can be done easily through the Vodacom app or website.

3. Encouraging Porting from Vodacom to Other Networks

If someone close to you is using Vodacom but needs better data-sharing capabilities, consider suggesting they port their number to a network that offers easier data transfers.

Benefits of Porting to a Network with Data Transfer Options

  1. Enhanced Data Sharing: Networks like MTN and Cell C offer more flexible data transfer options.
  2. Better Data Management: Porting might provide additional benefits such as better data packages or more cost-effective plans.

Porting Process

  1. Visit the Network Provider:
    • For MTN or Cell C: Visit a store or use their online services to start the porting process.
    • Documentation: Ensure you have necessary identification and account details.
  2. Complete the Porting Request:
    • Follow Instructions: Complete the porting request as per the provider’s instructions.
    • Wait for Confirmation: The process might take a few hours to a few days.


  • Better Options: Access to networks with better data transfer services.
  • Convenience: Easier management and sharing of data.

4. Sharing Data via Mobile Apps

Some third-party mobile apps offer ways to help friends and family with data needs, though they might not be direct data transfers.

Apps and Services to Consider

  1. Data Gifting Apps:
    • Research Apps: Look for apps that offer data gifting or sharing features compatible with Vodacom.
    • Download and Set Up: Install the app, set up an account, and follow the instructions to gift data.
  2. Mobile Payment Apps:
    • Use Mobile Payments: Apps like PayPal or local payment services might offer options to send funds that can be used for buying data.


  • Alternative Solutions: Provides additional methods to assist with data needs.
  • Convenience: Can be managed from your phone or computer.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we address common queries related to transferring data between networks and provide clear, helpful answers. If you have any additional questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

Can I Transfer Data from MTN to Vodacom?

No, direct data transfer from MTN to Vodacom is not possible. Each network has its own data transfer protocols, and currently, they do not support cross-network data transfers. Data transfers are typically restricted to within the same network due to technical and policy constraints.

Can I Transfer Data from Telkom to Vodacom?

No, direct data transfer from Telkom to Vodacom is also not possible. Similar to MTN, Telkom’s data transfer services are limited to within their network. Telkom users cannot send data directly to Vodacom numbers. Instead, consider alternative methods such as purchasing airtime vouchers or using data gifting features if available.

Can I Transfer Data from Cell C to Vodacom?

No, you cannot directly transfer data from Cell C to Vodacom. Cell C’s data transfer services are confined to their network. To assist a Vodacom user, consider alternative options like buying physical airtime vouchers or suggesting they port to a network with more flexible data transfer options.

How Can I Help a Vodacom User if Direct Data Transfer Isn’t Possible?

Here are several alternatives to assist Vodacom users:

  • Purchase Physical Airtime Vouchers: Buy and send physical vouchers that the recipient can redeem for data or airtime.
  • Gift Data Bundles: Check if Vodacom offers options for gifting data bundles through their app or website.
  • Encourage Porting: Suggest that the recipient port their number to a network with better data transfer capabilities.
  • Use Mobile Payment Apps: Send funds through mobile payment apps that can be used to buy data.

How Do I Check My Data Transfer Balance on MTN/Telkom/Cell C?

To check your data balance and manage transfers, follow these steps:

  • MTN: Dial *136*4# for balance and management options.
  • Telkom: Dial *180# and follow the prompts for balance and data management.
  • Cell C: Dial *147# to access your balance and manage data services.

How Long Does It Take for a Data Transfer to Complete?

Data transfers within the same network are usually instantaneous. However, if you’re using alternative methods such as gifting data or buying airtime vouchers, the processing time may vary depending on the method and the network’s processing times.

What Should I Do If My Data Transfer Fails?

If your data transfer fails, consider the following steps:

  • Check the Recipient’s Number: Ensure you’ve entered the correct number without any errors.
  • Verify Your Data Balance: Confirm that you have enough data to complete the transfer.
  • Review Network Policies: Make sure you are following the network’s guidelines and restrictions.
  • Contact Customer Support: If issues persist, reach out to your network provider’s customer support for assistance.

Can I Transfer Data from Prepaid to Postpaid Accounts?

Data transfers are typically limited to prepaid accounts. Networks usually do not support transferring data between prepaid and postpaid accounts. Check with your network provider for specific policies regarding data transfers.

Is There a Limit on the Amount of Data I Can Transfer?

Yes, there are usually limits on the amount of data you can transfer. These limits vary by network and plan. Refer to your network’s guidelines or contact customer support to understand the specific limits that apply to your account.

How Can I Track Data Usage After a Transfer?

To track data usage after a transfer, use the following methods:

  • Network Apps: Most networks offer mobile apps that allow you to monitor your data usage.
  • USSD Codes: Dial specific USSD codes provided by your network to check your remaining data balance.
  • Customer Service: Contact customer support for detailed usage reports and assistance.


Navigating data transfers between networks can be a bit tricky due to the restrictions and limitations imposed by each provider. While directly transferring data from MTN, Telkom, or Cell C to Vodacom is not possible, there are several alternative methods you can use to help friends and family on Vodacom. Whether it’s purchasing physical airtime vouchers, utilizing data gifting features, or exploring network porting options, these strategies ensure that you can assist your loved ones in staying connected.

Remember, the process of helping others with their data needs might require a bit of creativity, especially when dealing with cross-network limitations. By understanding the available options and leveraging alternative solutions, you can still provide valuable support to those on Vodacom.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with specific steps, don’t hesitate to reach out to your network provider’s customer support for guidance. Staying informed and exploring all available options will help you make the most of your data resources and provide the necessary support to your network connections.


For more in-depth information, you may also refer to related articles and resources. This will help you stay up-to-date with any changes in policies or new features that could affect data transfer processes.

Author’s Note

Creating a seamless experience for transferring data between different mobile networks can be challenging, especially with the limitations imposed by each service provider. Through this guide, I aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of how to navigate these restrictions and explore alternative methods to assist friends and family on Vodacom.

As someone who has dealt with various mobile network issues and data transfer scenarios, I understand the frustrations that can come with trying to share data across networks. My goal is to ensure that you have all the necessary information to make informed decisions and find practical solutions to meet your needs.

If you found this guide helpful or have any additional questions, please feel free to leave a comment or reach out. Your feedback helps improve the quality of information and ensures that we address any concerns you may have. Thank you for reading, and I hope this article has provided valuable insights into managing data transfers effectively.

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Full-Time Writer, Researcher, Tech, Business & Financial Analyst

As an avid writer at Nuelfrey Solutions LTD, Christine is driven by a deep passion for helping others through her work. Her journey into the world of writing began over eight years ago, marked by trials and triumphs. Despite early challenges and frustrations, Christine discovered her calling in blogging.

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