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HomeTelecom ServicesHow To Sim Swap Telkom In South Africa?

How To Sim Swap Telkom In South Africa?

Quick Summary

A Telkom SIM swap allows you to replace your current SIM card with a new one while retaining your phone number and account details. You can perform this swap either in person at a Telkom store or online through the My Telkom portal. This process is crucial for various reasons such as upgrading your phone, changing networks, or enhancing security.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through:

  • Methods for Performing a SIM Swap: Step-by-step instructions for both in-person and online options.
  • Checking Your Telkom Phone Number: How to quickly find out your current phone number.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Answers to common queries about the SIM swap process.

Read on to get detailed, actionable information to make your Telkom SIM swap as smooth and hassle-free as possible.


A Telkom SIM swap is a process that allows you to replace your current SIM card with a new one while keeping your existing phone number. This process is essential for various reasons, including upgrading to a new phone, switching networks, traveling abroad, or ensuring enhanced security.

Why Perform a Telkom SIM Swap?

Upgrading Phones: If you’ve recently purchased a new phone, you’ll need to transfer your old number to a new SIM card that fits your new device. A SIM swap makes this transition seamless, ensuring you don’t lose any contact details or important information.

Switching Networks: Sometimes, you might want to switch from one network provider to another while keeping your phone number. A Telkom SIM swap can facilitate this change, allowing you to use your number with a different provider’s services.

Traveling Abroad: When traveling internationally, you might need a new SIM card that supports local networks. A Telkom SIM swap can help you get a local number while keeping your primary number intact, making it easier to manage communications.

Enhancing Security: Over time, SIM cards can become compromised or outdated. Swapping your SIM card enhances security by ensuring that your personal data is protected and only accessible through the new, secure SIM.

How Does a Telkom SIM Swap Work?

When you perform a Telkom SIM swap, you receive a new physical SIM card. This card must be activated to function correctly. The process involves updating your account details and transferring your existing phone number to the new SIM. This ensures that all your contacts, messages, and other data linked to your old SIM are now accessible through the new one.

Methods for Doing a Telkom SIM Swap

You have two main options for performing a Telkom SIM swap:

  1. In-Person at a Telkom Branch: Visiting a physical Telkom store allows you to handle the swap directly with Telkom staff. This method ensures personal assistance and immediate activation of your new SIM card.
  2. Online via the My Telkom Portal: For added convenience, you can perform the SIM swap online through Telkom’s My Telkom portal. This method is suitable for those who prefer managing their SIM swap from home.

In this guide, we’ll cover both methods in detail, providing you with step-by-step instructions to choose the one that best suits your needs. Whether you prefer face-to-face assistance or the ease of online transactions, this guide will help you complete your Telkom SIM swap smoothly.

Methods for Doing a Telkom SIM Swap

When it comes to performing a Telkom SIM swap, you have two primary options: visiting a Telkom branch in person or using the online My Telkom portal. Each method has its own set of steps and advantages. Let’s explore both in detail to help you choose the one that suits you best.

1. Doing a Telkom SIM Swap at a Telkom Branch

If you prefer a hands-on approach or need assistance, visiting a Telkom branch is a reliable option. Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing a SIM swap at a Telkom store:

Step 1: Purchase a Telkom Starter Pack

Before heading to the store, ensure you have a new Telkom starter pack. You can buy these packs from various retail stores or online platforms. The starter pack will include a new SIM card.

Step 2: RICA the New SIM Card

Once you have the starter pack, you need to register (RICA) the new SIM card. This process requires:

  • Identification Documents: An ID book, ID card, passport, or driver’s license.
  • Proof of Residence: A recent utility bill, bank statement, or payslip that shows your name and address.

You can often complete RICA at the same store where you purchase the starter pack.

Step 3: Visit a Telkom Store

Take your new SIM card, identification documents, and proof of residence to the nearest authorized Telkom store. Ensure the store is an official Telkom outlet to avoid any issues.

Step 4: Activate the New SIM Card

At the store, the staff will assist you in activating your new SIM card. They will verify your documents and update your account information. Activation usually happens quickly, but it’s a good idea to ask the staff for an estimated completion time.

Step 5: Complete the SIM Swap Process

Once the new SIM card is activated, the staff will transfer your existing phone number and account details to the new SIM. This step may take a few minutes. After completion, your new SIM will be ready for use.

Advantages of Visiting a Telkom Branch:

  • Personal Assistance: Get immediate help from Telkom staff.
  • Instant Activation: Most stores provide immediate activation of your new SIM.
  • Direct RICA: Complete all necessary registrations in one visit.


  • Travel Required: You need to visit a physical location, which may be inconvenient.
  • Waiting Time: Depending on the store’s foot traffic, you might have to wait.

2. Doing a Telkom SIM Swap Online

For those who prefer convenience and minimal interaction, performing a Telkom SIM swap online via the My Telkom portal is an excellent choice. Here’s how you can complete the process online:

Step 1: Log into the My Telkom Portal

  • Visit the Official Telkom Website: Go to Telkom’s My Account.
  • Login: Enter your username and password to access your account.

Step 2: Access the SIM Swaps Tab

  • Navigate to Your Account Dashboard: Once logged in, locate the “SIM Swaps” tab on the dashboard.
  • Select the SIM Swaps Option: Click on the relevant option to start the swap process.

Step 3: Follow the Prompts

  • Provide Required Information: Follow the on-screen instructions, which will guide you through the necessary steps. This may include verifying your identity and selecting options related to your current plan.
  • Complete the Process: After completing the prompts, you will receive a confirmation message indicating that your SIM swap has been successfully processed.

Step 4: Ensure Compatibility and Activation

  • Check SIM Compatibility: Make sure that both the old and new SIM cards are compatible with your device.
  • Verify Activation: Ensure that the new SIM is activated and functioning correctly. Sometimes, it may take up to 24 hours for the SIM to become fully operational.

Advantages of Doing a SIM Swap Online:

  • Convenience: Complete the process from home without visiting a store.
  • Time-Saving: Avoid waiting in line and dealing with in-person transactions.


  • Limited Assistance: You won’t have immediate help if you encounter issues.
  • Activation Delay: There might be a slight delay in SIM activation.

By considering these methods, you can choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences. Whether you opt for the personal touch of a Telkom branch or the convenience of the My Telkom portal, both methods will enable you to perform a successful SIM swap.

Checking Your Telkom Phone Number

Before initiating a SIM swap or any other changes to your Telkom account, it’s essential to know your current phone number. Luckily, Telkom provides a straightforward way to check your phone number. Here’s how you can easily find it:

1. Using USSD Code

The simplest method to check your Telkom phone number is by using a USSD code. This option is quick and doesn’t require an internet connection.

How to Use USSD Code:

  1. Open Your Phone’s Dialer: Go to the app where you make calls.
  2. Dial the Code: Enter *1# on your keypad.
  3. Press Call: Tap the call button.

Within a few moments, your phone number will be displayed on the screen. This method is useful for quickly retrieving your number without needing to access account details online.

Note: Ensure that you have a Telkom SIM card inserted in your device when using this method, as it retrieves the number linked to the current SIM.

2. Checking via My Telkom Portal

If you prefer using online resources, you can also check your phone number through the My Telkom portal. This method is particularly useful if you’re already logged in or managing your account online.

How to Check Online:

  1. Visit Telkom’s Website: Go to Telkom’s My Account.
  2. Log In: Enter your username and password to access your account.
  3. Navigate to Account Details: Once logged in, find the section where your personal details or account information is displayed.
  4. Locate Your Phone Number: Your phone number should be listed under account details or similar sections.

This method allows you to not only check your phone number but also review other account information and manage settings.

3. Using Telkom’s Customer Service

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, contacting Telkom’s customer service is a reliable option. You can reach out via phone, email, or social media for support.

How to Contact Customer Service:

  1. Phone: Call Telkom’s customer support number. Check the Telkom Contact Page for the latest contact details.
  2. Email: Send an email to the support team. The contact email can be found on the Telkom website.
  3. Social Media: Reach out via Telkom’s official social media accounts for quick responses and assistance.

Example: If you’re having trouble accessing your number via USSD code or the My Telkom portal, a quick call to customer service can help resolve the issue efficiently.

4. Checking via SMS Services

Another way to check your phone number is by sending an SMS to a designated number. This method may vary depending on current Telkom services and updates.

How to Use SMS Services:

  1. Compose a New Message: Open your messaging app.
  2. Send a Query SMS: Text a specific keyword to a Telkom shortcode (check Telkom’s website or contact service for exact details).
  3. Receive Your Number: You will receive a reply with your phone number.

This method is less commonly used but can be handy in certain situations.

Tips for Ensuring Accuracy

  • Double-Check: Always confirm your phone number to avoid mistakes, especially when updating records or making transactions.
  • Update Records: Ensure your contact details are up-to-date in your account to receive important notifications and service updates.

By using these methods, you can easily find your Telkom phone number and ensure that you have the correct information for any service changes or account management tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In this section, we address common questions about the Telkom SIM swap process. Whether you’re unsure about costs, the process itself, or any other related topic, these answers should help clarify your doubts.

1. Can I do a Telkom SIM swap at home?

No, a Telkom SIM swap cannot be completed at home. The process requires visiting a physical Telkom branch or using their online portal. This ensures the security and proper handling of your account details.

2. How much does a Telkom SIM swap cost?

The cost for a Telkom SIM swap is minimal. The new SIM card is priced at R1. There are no additional charges for the swap process itself. Just make sure to check if there are any incidental fees with your specific service plan or location.

3. Can I check my Telkom phone number at home?

Yes, you can check your Telkom phone number from home. Simply dial *1# on your phone’s dialer. Your number will be displayed immediately, making it easy to verify without visiting a store.

4. Is there a quick Telkom SIM swap self-service number or USSD code available?

Currently, there is no specific self-service number or USSD code for performing a Telkom SIM swap. You must either visit a Telkom branch or use the My Telkom portal for the swap process.

5. What documents do I need for a Telkom SIM swap at a branch?

When visiting a Telkom branch, you’ll need to provide:

  • Valid Identification: Such as an ID book, passport, or driver’s license.
  • Proof of Residence: This could be a recent utility bill, bank statement, or a payslip showing your name and address.

Having these documents ready will help ensure a smooth SIM swap process.

6. Can I do a Telkom SIM swap online if I have a prepaid account?

Yes, you can perform a Telkom SIM swap online even if you have a prepaid account. Simply log into the My Telkom portal, access the SIM Swaps tab, and follow the instructions to complete the swap.

7. Can I do a Telkom SIM swap online if I have a contract account?

Yes, Telkom allows online SIM swaps for both prepaid and contract accounts. The process remains the same whether you’re on a prepaid or postpaid plan. Just ensure you have your account details and sufficient airtime or credit.

8. How long does a Telkom SIM swap take?

The activation time for a Telkom SIM swap can vary, but generally, it takes around 24 hours for the new SIM card to be fully activated. Factors such as network congestion and verification processes can influence this timeframe.

9. Can I do a Telkom SIM swap if my phone is locked?

No, your phone must be unlocked to complete a Telkom SIM swap. If your device is locked to a specific network, you’ll need to unlock it before the new SIM card can be used.

10. Can I do a Telkom SIM swap if I have outstanding payments on my account?

Outstanding payments may affect your ability to complete a SIM swap. It is advisable to settle any dues before attempting the swap to avoid delays or complications in the process.


In summary, whether you’re upgrading your phone, switching networks, or simply needing a new SIM card, understanding how to perform a Telkom SIM swap is essential. You have two primary options for completing the process: visiting a Telkom branch or using the My Telkom online portal. Each method has its benefits, depending on your preference for in-person service or digital convenience.

Key Takeaways:

  • In-Person Swap: If you prefer a hands-on approach or need immediate assistance, visiting a Telkom store with the required documents is the way to go. Remember to bring your identification and proof of residence.
  • Online Swap: For those who value convenience, the My Telkom portal allows you to manage your SIM swap from the comfort of your home. Ensure you have your account details and the necessary prerequisites for a smooth process.
  • Checking Your Number: You can easily check your Telkom phone number by dialing *1# on your device.
  • FAQs: We’ve covered the most common questions to help guide you through any uncertainties regarding the process, costs, and requirements.

By following the outlined steps and using the resources provided, you can ensure a hassle-free SIM swap experience. Whether you’re opting for the branch visit or the online route, the goal is to get your new SIM card activated quickly and securely.

Thank you for reading! We hope this guide has been helpful and provided all the information you need to complete your Telkom SIM swap. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to Telkom’s customer support or consult the additional resources listed below.


Feel free to revisit these references for more detailed information or updates related to Telkom services.

Author’s Note

As the author of this guide, I’ve aimed to provide a comprehensive and practical resource for anyone looking to perform a Telkom SIM swap. My goal is to ensure that you have all the necessary information to carry out this process smoothly, whether you choose to visit a Telkom branch or handle it online.

Personal Experience

Having navigated the Telkom SIM swap process myself, I understand how crucial it is to have clear, step-by-step instructions. It’s always a bit nerve-wracking to swap SIM cards, especially when you rely on your phone for so much. I’ve made sure to include details from my own experience to help you avoid any pitfalls and make your SIM swap as straightforward as possible.


I want to acknowledge the support and resources provided by Telkom and other authoritative sources that have made this guide possible. Their information has been invaluable in creating a detailed and accurate resource for you.


If you’re still feeling uncertain about any part of the SIM swap process, don’t hesitate to reach out to Telkom’s customer support. They are there to assist and ensure that your experience is as smooth as possible.

I hope this guide has been useful to you and that you feel more confident about completing your Telkom SIM swap. If you have any feedback or additional questions, please feel free to share them. Your input helps improve the content and assist others in similar situations.

About Author

Full-Time Writer, Researcher, Tech, Business & Financial Analyst

As an avid writer at Nuelfrey Solutions LTD, Christine is driven by a deep passion for helping others through her work. Her journey into the world of writing began over eight years ago, marked by trials and triumphs. Despite early challenges and frustrations, Christine discovered her calling in blogging.

Her love for blogging stems from its ability to delve deeply into diverse fields, allowing her to continuously learn and grow. Christine finds fulfillment in seeing her efforts evolve from small beginnings into impactful and transformative content. Her dedication to personal growth and making a difference fuels her commitment to producing insightful and valuable information for her readers.


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