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HomeGeneral GuidesHow To Complete Uif Salary Schedule Form In South Africa?

How To Complete Uif Salary Schedule Form In South Africa?

Quick Summary

The UIF Salary Schedule Form is a key document for South African employers to complete and submit to the Department of Labour. It ensures accurate reporting of employee earnings and contributions to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF). This guide provides a step-by-step process for completing the form, obtaining it, and understanding related salary schedules and forms. By following these instructions, you can ensure compliance and streamline your payroll process.


The UIF Salary Schedule Form is a critical document for employers in South Africa, designed to provide essential information about an employee’s earnings to the Department of Labour. This form ensures that employees receive the unemployment benefits they are entitled to from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF). Whether you’re new to this process or need a refresher, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps of completing the UIF Salary Schedule Form accurately.

Understanding how to properly fill out this form not only helps you comply with legal requirements but also plays a significant role in supporting your employees’ financial security during periods of unemployment or illness. By following this guide, you’ll be able to navigate the form with confidence and ensure that all required details are accurately reported.

In this article, we’ll cover the following:

  • Purpose of the UIF Salary Schedule Form
  • Key Sections and Their Importance
  • Detailed Instructions for Completing the Form
  • Where to Obtain the Form
  • Understanding Related Documents

Let’s dive into understanding the UIF Salary Schedule Form and how to complete it effectively.

Understanding the UIF Salary Schedule Form

The UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund) Salary Schedule Form is a fundamental document used to report the financial details of employees to the Department of Labour. This form plays a crucial role in the administration of unemployment benefits by providing a record of contributions made by both employees and employers.

Overview of the UIF Salary Schedule Form

The UIF Salary Schedule Form is designed to capture key financial information about employees’ salaries and hours worked. This data is essential for calculating the contributions to the UIF, which provides benefits to employees who are unemployed, ill, or on maternity leave. The form ensures that the contributions are accurate and up-to-date, which is vital for maintaining the integrity of the UIF system.

Key Sections of the Form

The UIF Salary Schedule Form consists of several key sections, each requiring specific information:

Employee Identification Number

This unique number is assigned to each employee within the UIF system. It helps in accurately tracking contributions and benefits.

Full Name

The full name of each employee should be provided as it appears on official documents. This ensures that there is no confusion or mix-up with other employees.

Employer Reference Number

Each employer is assigned a reference number by SARS (South African Revenue Service). This number helps to identify the employer and link their contributions to the correct employees.

Employer Name

Clearly state your company’s official name. This helps match your records with those held by government offices.

Period of Service

Indicate whether you are reporting on a monthly or annual basis. This section should detail the employment periods for which you are providing salary information.

Common Terms and Definitions

Understanding the terminology used in the UIF Salary Schedule Form is crucial:

  • Gross Remuneration: This refers to the total salary earned by an employee before any deductions.
  • Contributor Status: This indicates whether the employee is a contributor to the UIF or not.
  • Employer Reference Number: A unique identifier for the employer issued by SARS.

Why Accurate Completion is Important

Completing the UIF Salary Schedule Form accurately is essential for several reasons:

  • Compliance with Legal Requirements: Ensures that you meet the legal obligations for reporting employee earnings and contributions.
  • Avoiding Penalties: Prevents potential penalties associated with incorrect or incomplete submissions.
  • Supporting Employee Benefits: Guarantees that employees receive the correct unemployment benefits when needed.

By paying close attention to these details and following the instructions carefully, you’ll help maintain a smooth process for reporting and ensure that your employees’ benefits are properly managed.

How To Complete the UIF Salary Schedule Form

Filling out the UIF Salary Schedule Form accurately is crucial for ensuring that employee contributions to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) are correctly reported. This form not only helps comply with South Africa’s labor regulations but also plays a significant role in managing unemployment benefits. Follow these detailed steps to complete the form properly.

Section 1: Employee Details

1.1 Employee Identification Number

Enter the employee’s unique identification number, which is either their ID number or passport number. This identifier is crucial for correctly linking the employee’s earnings and contributions within the UIF system.

1.2 Full Name

Provide the employee’s full name exactly as it appears on their official identification documents. Accurate name details are important to avoid any mix-ups or errors in the system.

Section 2: Employer Details

2.1 Employer Reference Number

Input your employer reference number, which is issued by SARS (South African Revenue Service). This number identifies your business in the UIF system and links your contributions to the correct employer.

2.2 Employer Name

Clearly write your company’s official name as registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). This helps match your records with those held by government offices and ensures there are no discrepancies.

Section 3: Period of Service

3.1 Reporting Period

Indicate the relevant month and year for which you are completing the form. This section helps track the employee’s earnings and contributions during specific periods.

3.2 Gross Remuneration Per Month

Enter the total gross remuneration earned by the employee each month. This amount should reflect the salary before any deductions such as taxes or UIF contributions.

Section 4A & B: Hours Worked Per Week/Month

4.1 Hours Worked Per Week

If the remuneration is calculated based on weekly hours, record the total hours worked by the employee per week. This information helps in verifying the accuracy of the salary reported.

4.2 Hours Worked Per Month

Alternatively, if the remuneration is based on monthly hours, enter the total hours worked by the employee per month. Choose the section that corresponds to how the employee’s remuneration is calculated.

Section 5: Contributor Status

5.1 Contributor

Select the option “Contributor” if the employee has made contributions to the UIF. This status confirms that the employee’s earnings are contributing to their eligibility for UIF benefits.

5.2 Non-Contributor

If no contributions were made, select “Non-contributor.” This status should only be used if the employee is not participating in the UIF system.

Signature & Date

6.1 Signing the Form

At the bottom right corner of the form, sign and date it. This validates the information provided and confirms that it has been completed to the best of your knowledge.

Tips for Completion

  • Double-Check Information: Ensure that all details, including personal identification numbers and names, are correct to avoid processing delays.
  • Use Black Ink: Fill out the form using a black ink pen to ensure that the information is legible and durable.
  • Avoid Leaving Blanks: Do not leave any sections blank unless they are not applicable. Incomplete forms can lead to delays or complications.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Incorrect Data: Double-check figures and personal details for accuracy to prevent errors.
  • Unsigned Forms: Ensure that the form is signed and dated; otherwise, it will be considered incomplete and may be rejected.
  • Using Non-Standard Pens: Avoid using pencil or colored pens, as these can be difficult to read and may not be accepted.

By following these instructions carefully, you can ensure that the UIF Salary Schedule Form is completed accurately, reducing the risk of errors and delays. If you have any doubts or questions while filling out the form, consulting with a professional or contacting the Department of Labour can provide additional guidance.

Obtaining the UIF Salary Schedule Form

The UIF Salary Schedule Form is a critical document for employers in South Africa to accurately report employee earnings and contributions to the Unemployment Insurance Fund. Here’s how you can obtain this form and ensure you have everything needed for submission.

1. Nearest Labour Department Office

One of the simplest ways to get the UIF Salary Schedule Form is by visiting your nearest Labour Department office. Here’s what to do:

  • Visit in Person: Go to the local Labour Department office in your area. They can provide you with a physical copy of the form.
  • Ask for Assistance: If the form is not available at the office, staff can guide you on how to obtain it from other sources.

2. Downloading from the Internet

Another convenient option is to download the form from official online sources. Follow these steps:

  • Visit the Official South African Government Website: Go to
  • Search for UIF Forms: Use the search bar to look for “UIF forms.”
  • Find the Relevant Link: Click on the link for “Department of Employment and Labour – Forms” to access the UIF Salary Schedule Form and other related documents.

3. Requesting from Payroll Software Providers

Many payroll software providers also offer downloadable versions of UIF forms, including the Salary Schedule Form. Check with your payroll software provider or their support team for access to these forms.

4. Contacting the Department of Labour

If you have trouble finding the form, contacting the Department of Labour directly can be helpful:

  • Phone: Call the Department of Labour’s helpline for assistance in obtaining the form.
  • Email: Send an email inquiry to their support address for guidance on acquiring the form.

Understanding Salary Schedules and Related Forms

Salary schedules and related forms are integral parts of managing employee compensation and compliance with labor regulations. Here’s what you need to know about these documents and how they relate to the UIF Salary Schedule Form.

What is a Salary Schedule?

A salary schedule is a document used by employers to outline and manage employee salaries. It provides detailed information about:

  • Salary Ranges: Different pay levels for various positions within an organization.
  • Pay Scales: Established pay rates based on factors such as experience, job role, and industry standards.
  • Consistency in Pay: Helps ensure fairness and consistency in employee compensation.

Importance of Salary Schedules

  • Fair Compensation: Ensures employees are paid fairly based on their job responsibilities and experience.
  • Budget Management: Assists in planning and managing the company’s payroll budget.
  • Compliance: Helps in adhering to labor laws and regulations regarding employee compensation.

The UI19 Form

The UI19 Form is another important document related to the UIF Salary Schedule Form. Here’s how it fits into the process:

  • Purpose: Used to declare information about employees’ employment history for UIF benefits.
  • Details Required: Includes previous employer names, periods of service, and reasons for leaving previous jobs.
  • Connection to UIF Salary Schedule Form: Information from the UI19 Form may be required when completing the UIF Salary Schedule Form to ensure accurate reporting of employment history.

Why Accurate Completion Matters

  • Avoid Delays: Accurate information helps in avoiding delays or issues with processing UIF benefits.
  • Ensure Compliance: Proper completion ensures adherence to legal requirements and prevents potential penalties.
  • Support Employees: Ensures that employees receive the correct benefits and support from the UIF during periods of unemployment.

By understanding these aspects of salary schedules and related forms, you can better manage your company’s payroll and ensure compliance with UIF requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s a roundup of some common questions about completing and managing the UIF Salary Schedule Form. Whether you’re a new employer or just need a refresher, these FAQs should help clarify any uncertainties you may have.

1. What happens if I make a mistake on the form?

If you make an error on the UIF Salary Schedule Form, it’s essential to correct it promptly. Here’s how to handle mistakes:

  • Correction Method: Cross out the incorrect information neatly and write the correct details. Alternatively, use correction fluid to cover up errors and write the correct information clearly.
  • Ensure Clarity: Make sure all corrections are legible to avoid confusion or processing delays.
  • Double-Check: Always review the form before submission to ensure all details are accurate.

2. Can I submit the form electronically?

Currently, electronic submission of the UIF Salary Schedule Form is not supported. You must submit the completed form physically. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Print the Form: After completing the form, print it out.
  • Submit in Person or by Post: Deliver the printed form to your nearest Labour Department office or send it via post.

3. How often should the form be submitted?

The frequency of submitting the UIF Salary Schedule Form depends on your business’s size and payment schedule. Generally:

  • Monthly Submissions: Most employers are required to submit the form monthly, along with their payroll obligations.
  • Check Requirements: Confirm with the Department of Labour or your payroll software provider for specific submission intervals applicable to your situation.

4. What supporting documents are required with the form?

Typically, no additional documents need to be submitted with the UIF Salary Schedule Form unless specifically requested. However:

  • Keep Records: Maintain records related to employee salaries, such as payslips, in case they are needed for verification during an audit or investigation.
  • Prepare for Audits: Be ready to provide supporting documentation if requested by the Department of Labour.

5. Can I submit the form on behalf of my employees?

Employers are responsible for submitting the UIF Salary Schedule Form, but employees must ensure the accuracy of the information reported. Here’s how this process works:

  • Employer’s Role: Complete and submit the form based on your payroll records and employee details.
  • Employee’s Responsibility: Employees should communicate with their employer to ensure their information is accurately reflected in the form.
  • Accuracy: Ensuring accurate and timely submission helps in avoiding any issues with UIF claims.

6. What should I do if my employee’s details change?

If there are changes in an employee’s details, such as a change in employment status or personal information, it’s important to update the UIF Salary Schedule Form accordingly:

  • Update Information: Make the necessary changes on the form before submission.
  • Notify the Department: Inform the Department of Labour of any significant changes to ensure accurate records.

By addressing these frequently asked questions, you can better manage the UIF Salary Schedule Form process and ensure compliance with South African labor regulations. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Department of Labour or consult with a payroll expert.


Completing the UIF Salary Schedule Form correctly is crucial for maintaining compliance with South African labor regulations and ensuring that your employees receive the unemployment benefits they are entitled to. By following the guidelines and steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the process efficiently and avoid common pitfalls.

To recap:

  • Accurate Information: Ensure all details, including employee and employer information, are filled in correctly.
  • Timely Submission: Submit the form on time, typically on a monthly basis, to avoid delays in processing.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain thorough records of all salary and employment details to support your submissions and for any future audits.

By staying informed and adhering to the outlined procedures, you contribute to a smoother experience for both your organization and your employees. This not only supports the administrative efficiency of your business but also upholds the integrity of the UIF system.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to refer to the resources provided or consult with a payroll expert to ensure all aspects of the UIF Salary Schedule Form are handled properly.


  1. Sage City: UIF Salary Schedule
  2. Searche: How to Complete the UIF Salary Schedule Form
  3. South African Government Official Website

Author’s Note

Thank you for taking the time to read this comprehensive guide on completing the UIF Salary Schedule Form. As someone deeply involved in understanding and navigating South African labor regulations, I’ve aimed to provide you with clear, actionable information to help you manage this essential process with confidence.

If you found this article useful or have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out. Your feedback helps us improve and ensure that our content remains relevant and valuable. Additionally, if you have any personal experiences or tips related to the UIF Salary Schedule Form that you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you.

Stay informed and compliant, and best of luck with your payroll management!

About Author

Full-Time Writer, Researcher, Tech, Business & Financial Analyst

As an avid writer at Nuelfrey Solutions LTD, Christine is driven by a deep passion for helping others through her work. Her journey into the world of writing began over eight years ago, marked by trials and triumphs. Despite early challenges and frustrations, Christine discovered her calling in blogging.

Her love for blogging stems from its ability to delve deeply into diverse fields, allowing her to continuously learn and grow. Christine finds fulfillment in seeing her efforts evolve from small beginnings into impactful and transformative content. Her dedication to personal growth and making a difference fuels her commitment to producing insightful and valuable information for her readers.


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