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HomeGeneral GuidesHow To Cancel Life Partner Permit In South Africa?

How To Cancel Life Partner Permit In South Africa?

Quick Summary

Cancelling a life partner permit in South Africa involves navigating a complex process with legal implications. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into understanding the life partner permit, renewing the permit, and seeking legal advice. From eligibility criteria to consequences of cancellation, individuals will gain clarity and confidence in navigating this aspect of South African immigration law.

I. Introduction

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to cancel a life partner permit in South Africa. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to end your partnership and cancel your permit, this guide will provide you with the necessary information and steps to follow.

Navigating the immigration laws and procedures of any country can be challenging, especially when it comes to ending a legal relationship. In South Africa, canceling a life partner permit involves specific steps and considerations that individuals need to be aware of to ensure a smooth process.

Throughout this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of canceling a life partner permit, including understanding the permit itself, the renewal process, and the complexities involved in cancellation. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to navigate this aspect of South African immigration law.

II. Understanding the Life Partner Permit in South Africa

In South Africa, a life partner permit falls under the category of relative’s visas and is designed for individuals who are in committed relationships with South African citizens or permanent residents. This permit allows the foreign partner to reside in South Africa temporarily, typically for a period of two years.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a life partner permit, applicants must provide evidence of a genuine and long-term relationship with their South African partner. This may include a marriage certificate or a cohabitation agreement, along with other supporting documentation demonstrating the legitimacy of the relationship.

Rights and Privileges

Holdings a life partner permit grants certain rights and privileges to the visa holder, including the ability to live and work in South Africa legally. Depending on the specific conditions attached to the permit, individuals may also have the option to study or establish a business in the country.

Duration and Renewal Process

The life partner permit is typically issued for a period of two years and must be renewed before expiration to maintain legal status in South Africa. The renewal process involves submitting updated documentation to the Department of Home Affairs or the nearest Visa Facilitation Services (VFS) center.

Required Documents for Renewal

  • Valid passport
  • Proof of relationship with your partner
  • Financial means to support yourself and your partner
  • Accommodation details
  • Police clearance certificate
  • Medical and radiological reports, if applicable

Renewal Procedure

  1. Start the renewal process well in advance of the permit’s expiration date.
  2. Gather all required documents and complete the renewal application form.
  3. Pay the necessary government and VFS fees.
  4. Submit your application to the Department of Home Affairs or the nearest VFS center.
  5. Follow up on your application and monitor its progress.

By understanding the fundamentals of the life partner permit in South Africa, individuals can better navigate the process of canceling this permit if necessary. Now, let’s delve deeper into the advantages and disadvantages of holding a life partner permit.

III. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Life Partner Permit

Before delving into the renewal process and the complexities of cancellation, it’s essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of holding a life partner permit in South Africa.


  1. Legal Status: Holding a life partner permit grants legal status in South Africa, allowing individuals to reside and work in the country legally.
  2. Flexibility: The permit can be customized to include additional rights, such as working rights, study rights, or business rights, providing flexibility for the visa holder.
  3. Family Reunification: For individuals in committed relationships with South African citizens or permanent residents, the life partner permit facilitates family reunification, allowing partners to live together in South Africa.
  4. Opportunities: With legal status in South Africa, individuals can explore various opportunities for personal and professional growth, including education, employment, and entrepreneurship.


  1. Dependency: The permit is dependent on the continuation of the relationship with the South African partner. If the relationship ends, the permit may become invalid, leading to potential legal and logistical challenges.
  2. Renewal Requirements: The renewal process for a life partner permit can be time-consuming and may involve gathering extensive documentation and paying fees.
  3. Uncertainty: Individuals holding a life partner permit may face uncertainty about their future status in South Africa, especially if the relationship with their partner becomes strained or ends.
  4. Limited Rights: While the permit grants certain rights, it may also come with limitations, such as restrictions on employment or business activities, depending on the specific conditions attached to the permit.

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the life partner permit is crucial for individuals navigating the immigration system in South Africa.

IV. Renewing a Life Partner Permit in South Africa

Renewing a life partner permit in South Africa is an essential process to maintain legal status in the country. Here’s a detailed look at the renewal procedure and what individuals need to know:

Importance of Renewal:

Renewing a life partner permit before its expiration is crucial to avoid any lapses in legal status. Failure to renew on time could lead to penalties, deportation, or other legal consequences.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Start Early: Begin the renewal process well in advance of the permit’s expiration date to allow ample time for gathering documents and completing the application.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Collect all necessary documentation, including a valid passport, proof of relationship with your partner, proof of financial means, accommodation details, police clearance certificate, and medical reports.
  3. Complete Application Form: Fill out the renewal application form accurately and ensure all information provided is up-to-date and truthful.
  4. Pay Fees: Check the current fee structure for permit renewal and ensure all government and VFS fees are paid in full.
  5. Submit Application: Submit the completed application form along with all required documents to the Department of Home Affairs or the nearest VFS center.
  6. Follow Up: Keep track of your application’s progress by checking online or contacting the relevant authorities for updates. Be prepared to follow up if the process takes longer than expected.

By following these steps and providing all necessary documentation, individuals can successfully renew their life partner permit in South Africa and continue to enjoy legal status in the country. Now, let’s explore the timeline and process for renewal in more detail.

V. Timeline and Process for Renewal

Renewing a life partner permit in South Africa involves following a specific timeline and process. Here’s what individuals can expect:

Average Processing Time for Visa Adjudication:

The renewal process typically takes around 5-7 months, although this timeline can vary based on factors such as the current workload of the Department of Home Affairs and any unforeseen circumstances like the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contacting the Department of Home Affairs for Delays:

If the renewal process exceeds the expected timeframe, individuals can contact the Department of Home Affairs for updates. It’s advisable to have the application reference number and relevant documents on hand when reaching out for information.

Permanent Residence Option after 5 Years:

After being in a life partnership for more than 5 years, individuals have the option to apply for permanent residence in South Africa. This eliminates the need to renew the life partner permit every two years and offers greater stability and long-term residency rights in the country.

The process for obtaining permanent residence may have its own set of requirements and procedures. It’s recommended to consult with an immigration lawyer or seek professional advice to understand the specific criteria and steps involved.

VI. Cancelling a Life Partner Permit in South Africa

Cancelling a life partner permit in South Africa is a significant decision that individuals may need to make under various circumstances. Here’s what you need to know about the cancellation process:

Reasons for Cancelling a Permit:

There are several reasons why individuals may choose to cancel their life partner permit, including the end of the relationship with their South African partner, changes in personal circumstances, or relocation to another country.

Can a Partner Cancel the Permit?

In South Africa, if a life partner permit holder separates from their partner, the partner has the ability to cancel the permit. However, the specific consequences and timeline for leaving the country may vary depending on individual circumstances.

Consequences and Timeline for Leaving the Country:

When cancelling a life partner permit, individuals must consider the potential consequences and timeline for leaving South Africa. Factors such as whether there are children involved or if the individual has been residing in South Africa for an extended period may impact the process.

Seeking Legal Advice:

It’s crucial to seek legal advice from an experienced immigration lawyer when considering cancelling a life partner permit. An immigration lawyer can provide guidance on the best course of action, navigate any complexities in the process, and ensure that the individual’s rights are protected throughout.

Navigating the process of cancelling a life partner permit in South Africa requires careful consideration and expert guidance. Now, let’s explore the importance of seeking legal advice for this process and how individuals can contact the relevant authorities for assistance.

VII. Seeking Legal Advice for Cancelling a Life Partner Permit

When it comes to cancelling a life partner permit in South Africa, seeking legal advice from an experienced immigration lawyer is crucial. Here’s why:

Importance of Consulting an Immigration Lawyer:

  1. Specialized Expertise: Immigration lawyers specialize in immigration law and have in-depth knowledge of the legal requirements and procedures involved in cancelling a life partner permit.
  2. Tailored Guidance: An immigration lawyer can provide personalized advice tailored to the individual’s specific situation, taking into account factors such as the reason for cancellation, any legal complexities, and potential consequences.
  3. Navigating the Process: Cancelling a life partner permit can be a complex process with legal implications. An immigration lawyer can guide individuals through the necessary steps, ensuring that the process is handled correctly and efficiently.
  4. Protecting Rights: By consulting an immigration lawyer, individuals can ensure that their rights are protected throughout the cancellation process. Lawyers can advocate on behalf of their clients and provide representation if needed.

Presenting the Merits of the Case:

When cancelling a life partner permit, it’s essential to present the merits of the case effectively. An immigration lawyer can assist individuals in gathering the necessary evidence and documentation to support their case. This may include highlighting any exceptional circumstances or compelling reasons for cancellation.

Recommended Actions for a Smooth Cancellation Process:

To ensure a smooth cancellation process, an immigration lawyer can provide guidance on the necessary actions to take. This may include preparing the required forms and documentation accurately, submitting them within the specified timeframe, and addressing any additional requirements or concerns that may arise.

By seeking legal advice from an immigration lawyer, individuals can navigate the complexities of cancelling a life partner permit in South Africa with confidence and peace of mind.

VIII. Contacting the Visa and Permit Withdrawals Department

If you are considering cancelling your life partner permit in South Africa, you will need to get in touch with the Visa and Permit Withdrawals Department. Here’s how you can contact them:

Department Contact Information:

It is recommended to reach out to the Visa and Permit Withdrawals Department directly to inquire about the specific requirements and procedures for cancelling your life partner permit. They will be able to provide accurate and up-to-date information and guide you through the process.

Additionally, if you need further assistance with visa applications or have any other immigration-related queries, you can consider reaching out to reputable immigration agencies for expert guidance and support.

Remember, when cancelling a life partner permit in South Africa, it’s essential to follow the correct procedures and seek professional advice to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I cancel my life partner permit if my relationship ends?

A1: Yes, if your relationship with your South African partner ends, you have the option to cancel your life partner permit. However, it’s important to understand the consequences and the process involved.

Q2: What are the consequences of cancelling a life partner permit?

A2: The consequences may vary depending on individual circumstances. Generally, cancelling a life partner permit may require individuals to leave the country within a specified timeframe. Consulting an immigration lawyer can provide clarity on specific consequences.

Q3: How long does it take to cancel a life partner permit?

A3: The timeline for cancelling a life partner permit can vary depending on factors such as the reason for cancellation and any legal complexities involved. Seeking legal advice can help individuals navigate the process efficiently.

Q4: Can I apply for a different visa after cancelling my life partner permit?

A4: Yes, individuals may be eligible to apply for alternative visas or permits after cancelling their life partner permit. The suitability of alternative visa options depends on factors such as employment status, family ties, or business intentions.

Q5: Do I need to notify authorities if I cancel my life partner permit?

A5: Yes, it’s important to notify the relevant authorities, such as the Department of Home Affairs or the Visa and Permit Withdrawals Department, when cancelling a life partner permit. They can provide guidance on the necessary steps to take.

Q6: Can I appeal a decision to cancel my life partner permit?

A6: In some cases, individuals may have the option to appeal a decision to cancel their life partner permit. Consulting with an immigration lawyer can help assess the grounds for appeal and navigate the appeals process effectively.


Cancelling a life partner permit in South Africa is a significant decision that individuals may face under various circumstances. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored the intricacies of the cancellation process, including understanding the life partner permit, renewing the permit, and seeking legal advice.

From understanding the eligibility criteria and rights associated with the permit to navigating the renewal process and considering the consequences of cancellation, individuals have gained valuable insights into this aspect of South African immigration law.

Seeking legal advice from experienced immigration lawyers is crucial for individuals considering cancelling their life partner permit. Immigration professionals can provide personalized guidance, navigate legal complexities, and ensure that individuals’ rights are protected throughout the process.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and seeking appropriate legal counsel, individuals can navigate the complexities of cancelling a life partner permit in South Africa with confidence and peace of mind.


  1. Department of Home Affairs South Africa:
  2. Visa and Permit Withdrawals Department: [email protected], +27 (0)12 406 2500
  3. Migrate With Q – Immigration Agency:

These references provide valuable resources for individuals seeking further information or assistance with visa applications and immigration-related queries in South Africa.

Author’s Note

As the author of this guide, I understand the complexities and challenges individuals may face when navigating the process of cancelling a life partner permit in South Africa. My aim in creating this comprehensive resource was to provide clear and practical guidance to empower individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

While this guide offers valuable insights, it’s essential to recognize that every situation is unique, and seeking personalized advice from immigration professionals is highly recommended. My hope is that this guide serves as a helpful starting point for individuals embarking on the journey of cancelling their life partner permit.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the relevant authorities or consult with immigration experts who can provide tailored guidance based on your specific circumstances.

Thank you for entrusting me with your immigration journey, and I wish you the best of luck in navigating this process with confidence and clarity.

Warm regards,

About Author

Full-Time Writer, Researcher, Tech, Business & Financial Analyst

As an avid writer at Nuelfrey Solutions LTD, Christine is driven by a deep passion for helping others through her work. Her journey into the world of writing began over eight years ago, marked by trials and triumphs. Despite early challenges and frustrations, Christine discovered her calling in blogging.

Her love for blogging stems from its ability to delve deeply into diverse fields, allowing her to continuously learn and grow. Christine finds fulfillment in seeing her efforts evolve from small beginnings into impactful and transformative content. Her dedication to personal growth and making a difference fuels her commitment to producing insightful and valuable information for her readers.


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